Vol. 140 · No. 1

Special Big Apple Issue

with short sto­ries by Craig Lau­rance Gid­ney and Marly Youmans

What is this
{ About }

A Brief History of The Big Apple

In which we cov­er mil­len­nia in the blink of the apple of your eye…

Black Winged Roses

The woman was no great beau­ty, not by a long shot…

Sung Muhheakunnuk

New York Jour­nals 1982 – 2012

For a month I worked demo­li­tion for Kar­ma Con­struc­tion Company…

A Bestiary

Said to be the thir­teenth child of an uniden­ti­fied “Moth­er Leeds”…

A Walk through Teju Cole’s OPEN CITY

And so when I began to go on evening walks last fall…”

Prospero’s Island

A flower, two or three grains of sand, and a note of song make an island…

A Fan Letter

You dirty, stink­ing and shit-smeared louses…

My Small Diary

They turned on the TV in the break room at work…


If you ask me, an orgy does have its opposites…

The White Orchard

Imag­ine Isaac New­ton wandering/ In the long orchard grass…

Mixed Blessings

Miles away/ I find a bro­ken toy/ grin­ning on the road…

{ Revelations }

Our con­trib­u­tors share
a few of their favorite things.

{ Masthead & Copyrights }

Read them in their
exquis­ite detail.